Most children have dreams of being a star on stage, an actress or actor in a five star movie, or being a professional athlete. Although some achieve their dreams, many don’t due to their circumstances or lack of self-esteem and motivation. I would like to introduce you to a company right here on the Peninsula that will provide the tools needed to motivate young children and boost their confidence, Runway Rules by Michelle Griffin. Runway Rules has a passion for giving all children an outlet and opportunity for hope and encouragement to be able to achieve their dreams. An outlet to anyone that wants to try something else in addition to cheerleading, dance, or sports.

Runway Rules is a Virginia based runway training and life skills company founded in May 2018 by Michelle A. Griffin. Since it’s inception, Runway Rules has helped hundreds of young ladies and young men throughout the Virginia area build character and self-esteem to deal with everyday life situations and give them the necessary outlet to know that they are capable of anything they set their mind to. The runway training classes are a huge success in this area and the children like having an option to do something other than sports. The life skills classes are also a huge success. So successful that parents, educators, and administrators all over partner with Runway Rules for maximum results.



To introduce young girls and young boys to an optional extracurricular activity of modeling by providing them with proper runway etiquette classes. In turn, allowing each individual to maximize on a dream they may have of being in the modeling industry. To introduce young girls and boys to life skills that will take them far in life, on and off the runway.



To develop young girls and boys to see their potential star quality. To mentor and build self- esteem to have the empowering notion that they can do anything they put their mind to. To promote a sense of responsibility of wanting to be a leader in your own right and help others achieve their dreams and goals.